Our Executive Board

Meet our WoGM Executive Board. We’re on a mission to change Global Mobility and the way women are seen in our industry! We believe that networking is important, and we’ve created a space JUST FOR YOU. Women – who are so much more than just a “corporate” or “supplier”.

Our Why

Women have always been underserved, underpaid, and victimized in the workplace with no recourse. In 2018, women made up only 38% of manager level positions and a bismal 4% of C-suite positions.

Our Members

With over 2000 women following us, we are aware that we’re setting the industry standard for Women in the workplace. Here’s a look at our membership numbers. A wealth of experience lays in the women of our industry!

Our Mission

We know that you have lots of competing sources of information and work that goes beyond office hours. We want to be the go-to source for your career and personal development and we intend to do that in an inclusive way that elicits vulnerability, authenticity, respect, and equality.

Our Purpose

We’re focused on you. Through our focus on community, career, learning, and mentorship we are ready to elevate you – Providing you with opportunities to network, access industry research, benchmark your program, and upskill. We’ve provided the resources – now it’s your time to shine.

Our Vision

Our Vision is to see every woman succeed and have the life-changing support that only comes through authentic relationship building and friendships. We believe that networking doesn’t stop after a conference, and we believe that women can and should be supported in every aspect of their lives.

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